Monday, May 18, 2015

Maker Faire Reflection

Overall, my expectations were met at Maker Faire; I was really pleased that people came up to play the game that we all made.  Next time, I would like to spend more time on the project and contribute more to it than  I did for this one.  Maker Faire was really amazing.  It was like a combination of a county fair, flea market, museum, and a science fair all at one.  It was really cool to see the mechanical giraffe and R2D2.  I was also intrigued by the figures made from wood and soda bottles.  From the surveys, I noticed that although many of the people that played the game enjoyed it and would recommend it to a friend, few would actually buy it.  They mentioned aesthetics that were just okay and weak AI.  A few suggested weapons to fight off the guards and clues to the maze.  In an improved version of this game, I would like to see fighting options and better guards.  I think it would make the game more fun if you could view the maze from above but while viewing it, you would not be able to move and would be vulnerable to attack.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Adrastus Feedback

I think that the game should be easier to beat.  The player should leave footprints to show where he has been.  Also, the oval enemies should be more intimidating than they are now.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Maker Faire Display Design

Looking at other tables from past makers, I noticed that they all have an eye catching sign and an interactive activity.  I think we should make a noticeable sign to attract people to play the game.

In my design, the main focus is the monitors, where people can play our video game and watch other people play it.  Next to the game is information about it and a large sign.  Because just a simple game might not be enough, I propose that we present other things that we did during the year in Intro to Design, not just the game design part.  We could bring some of our puzzle cubes, CD cars, or cotton ball launchers to add interest.  We could bring the cotton ball launcher materials and explain the project that we had to do, allowing visitors to try as well.
For this game design project, I began as a level editor.  However, due to lack of necessity for this role, I began working with inventor to make parts in the game.  Pallavi and I were able to figure out how to build the coliseum, which is my greatest accomplishment for this project.  I think that we met our original Game Design project goals because we worked together to make a game and will look professional in matching shirts :)  I wish that we had a little more time so that we could improve it further, but otherwise, I am satisfied.
Looking at the game, I think that the little oval enemies should look more like humans and the game should be easier to beat.  Perhaps the player could leave footprints to show where he has been.